Eat Your Water

Why is it so important that you and your child stay hydrated on hot summer days? Because when we lose water from our body through perspiration, we also lose important natural salts and minerals that help our bodies function properly. Dehydration can be very dangerous, even deadly, so keeping hydrated is a must—but drinking water is not the only way to do so.

Recent studies show that consuming certain fruits and vegetables can actually keep you more hydrated than drinking a glass of water. Fruits and vegetables that are dense in water also often contain a combination of minerals, salts and natural sugars, which are similar to the composition of the fluid in the body. This allows the liquid from these foods to hydrate the body more effectively than a glass of water alone. Hydration foods often contain amounts of the electrolytes calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium, too. Electrolytes help to maintain fluid balance within the body and aid in the normal functioning of cells and organs. It is important to replenish the body by restoring lost electrolytes on a regular basis.

Watermelon, cucumber and celery are the top three most hydrating foods. Other hydration fruits and vegetables include tomatoes, peaches, oranges, strawberries, carrots, bell peppers, zucchini and yellow squash. Be sure to include these fruits and vegetables in your summer diet. This does not mean that you can forget about water completely. It is still important to drink water throughout the day—consuming roughly 8 glasses during your waking hours should give you the “juice” to cruise through your day.
Source: Bowie State University
Health Matters: Hydrate Yourself with Fruits and Vegetables
By Kennika Freeman

About Super Sprowtz

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