Healthy Halloween Alternatives!

With Halloween just around the corner, kids love this time: dressing up, decorating the house, and even the plethora of unhealthy candy waiting for them at each door. However, there are healthier and easy alternatives. Kids can still have fun, while staying fit and avoiding that huge sugar rush!

Some tips for your kids on Halloween:

– Before setting out to trick-or-treat, make sure your kids have had a full meal. This will make them less likely to “attack” their goodie bags full of fatty treats.

– Plan a time to take your kids walking around the neighborhood. They can check out all the decorations and fun sights around town.

– If all of the neighbors are handing out candy, be different. Make it a point to give out something more nutritious, like an apple instead! Apples are sweet and kids love them! Other alternatives could be toys, stickers, or tattoos!

Plan a fun pumpkin picking activity for you and the kids. There can be a lot of activities at the pumpkin farm that have your children moving and playing. After you return home, have your kids help with the pumpkin carving process by scooping out pumpkin seeds. These are actually very nutritious, and when roasted taste delicious!

Limit your kids to how much candy they can have each day. Leave the remaining stash out of their sight in a high cabinet.

Introduce a pedometer to your kids. Explain how they work and have them carry one on them while trick-or-treating. They will be excited to see how far they’ve walked.

Throw out the most brightly colored candy. These are usually the ones with the most sugar and fake additives.

– Plan a dancing activity before heading out to collect treats. Play fun, Halloween songs like “Monster Mash” and have kids freeze dance to them.

Don’t purchase Halloween candy too early. If it is sitting around the house, your family may be tempted to eat it.

Following any of these tips will help your children to learn healthier ways of eating. However, don’t stress out. This is just one day out of the year, and children should have fun. Your child’s overall health won’t be hindered by one holiday!


About Super Sprowtz

Our goal is to entertain and educate you into eating your veggies WILLINGLY! Enjoy our yummies!
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